The conflict between Alex and Joe is complicated by the attraction they feel for each other, revelations about Charles Haywood’s business dealings, family drama and mysterious occurrences at the Whistledown house that lead them to suspect that something is badly amiss in the idyllic Kentucky horse country. Soon bodies start to turn up and everyone is left wondering who can and cannot be trusted.
I chose this book because I was in the mood for a romantic suspense, but I think I would have enjoyed the story more without the suspense elements. I liked Joe & Alex and I enjoyed their relationship, but they had more than enough challenges to fill a book without involving a serial killer. Joe is a loving and competent dad, but single parenting is hard. His oldest son is a good kid, but he’s also well into the difficult teenage years, his younger son has a raging case of middle child syndrome and his daughter is getting to the age where not having a mother is a real problem. Joe’s father Carey lives nearby and should provide Joe with support, but instead his alcoholism makes him just one more person for whom Joe feels responsible. Joe is attracted to Alex, but he hasn’t had a serious relationship since his ex-wife left and he already has a lot on his plate, so he’s not sure if he can take on a (former) rich girl or if he even wants to try.
Alex has doubts of her own about pursuing the attraction she feels toward Joe. She’s already had one bad experience with a man who couldn’t handle her new financial reality and Neely is an incredible amount of work. She has been both spoiled and neglected her entire life and she’s grown into a very difficult young woman. Coping with her moods and acting out while trying to grieve for her father and adjust to a life without an endless supply of money may be more than Alex can manage.
I was interested in that story and would have read it quite happily. I can’t say the same about the serial killer storyline, the subplot involving Joe’s ex-wife, or the inclusion of a few supernatural elements. I think that without the suspense aspects of the plot this would have been a solid B, but I have to judge the book the author wrote, not the book I wish she had written, so
Grade: C-

Where Are You Reading Challenge: Kentucky
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