Thursday, April 16, 2009

2009 TBR Challenge for April: Games of Command by Linnea Sinclair

April TBR Challenge---Urban fantasy, fantasy or SFR

After years of war the United Coalition and the Triad have signed a peace accord and are working together. As a result UC Captain Tasha “Sass” Sebastian finds herself serving under her former nemesis, Admiral Branden Kel-Paten on his ship the Vaxxar. Sass has things in her past that she needs to keep secret and she worries that Kel-Paten will discover them. Fortunately for Sass she has the support of her best friend Dr. Eden Fynnn, who is serving as the Vaxxar's ship's doctor.

Kel-Paten has secrets of his own. He is a biocyb and his implants are supposed to suppress his emotions. In spite of this he has strong feelings for Sass and he has been taking steps to hide them from both Sass and his bosses. He's thrilled to have Sass on his ship because it allows him to spend precious time with her, but it also places him at risk. Eden's skill has a doctor comes partially from her empathic abilities. Kel-Paten may not be able to hide his feelings from her when he's in such close proximity to Sass. If Eden discovers that the implants aren't working she will be duty-bound to report it and that will be the end of Kel-Paten's career and possibly his life.

The situation is further complicated by the capture of rebel Jace Serafino. He not only knows Sass' secrets, but he may also carry information that will split the Alliance and change all their lives.

I really enjoyed this book. The plot was complex enough to hold my attention and avoid being totally predictable without seeming unnecessarily convoluted. More importantly, I enjoyed all the main characters. All four were fleshed out enough to be interesting on their own and their interactions kept me involved with the story. The one thing that didn't really work for me was the psychic cats, but other readers would probably love them and they certainly didn't interfere with my enjoyment of the story.

Grade: A-

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